Ways of working - We adapt to your company!

  • Outsourcing Projects

    These are projects in which a technical team of Easyworks is transferred to the client's offices. We move with the computers and tools necessary to adapt quickly to your way of working. We go to your office to work side by side with the project team.

  • Managed by Easyworks

    We can manage and execute full projects. We work from our offices and share information with your team at the moment. This information can be downloaded in your server or in ours, whichever you prefer. And we do it through a collaborative work tool, which we explain below how it works.

  • Mixed projects

    In mixed projects, we propose a combined way of work between the two previous ones: we can work a few days in your offices with your team, manage the project together and when you see it necessary, continue the work from our offices, always keeping update what we are doing.

Collaborative work tools

Working with collaborative tools allow us to work directly in the customer database as if we were there.

Or even work offline and load the data later; always guaranteeing the correct management of versions, reviews, changes, etc.

Logo Solidworks
logo DraftSight
Logo Tekla